Tecan Freedom EVO 100-2 4 Tip AIR LIHA, POSid3, Pick and Place Version 3 Instrument. Install, Setup, Warranty.
Tecan Freedom EVO 100-2 4 Tip AIR LIHA, POSid3, Pick and Place Version 3 Instrument.
Rithum Certified Refurbished.
Disposable Tip unit.
Air Liha.
Includes: Free Shipping and Delivery (domestic US), Installation, Set-up, PC, Flatscreen, UPS, and Evoware Software.
Does not include deckware, racks, or tips (sold seperately).
QA/QC Testing Documentation. Remfg. Certificate included.
Leadtime: Up to 20 business days.
Warranty: 6 Month Onsite Warranty.
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Tecan EVO Version 2 200 4 Tip Automated Liquid Handling Robot. Certified Refurbished. Warranty!
Tecan Freedom EVO Version 2 200 4 Tip DITI Liquid Handling Robot.
Certified Refurbished.
Disposable Tip Unit (Fixed Tip unit also available)
Single Liha Arm
1ml Syringes (Other syringe sizes available)
Includes: Installation, Set-up, PC, Flatscreen,and Gemini for Evo software.
QA/QC Testing Documentation. Remfg. Certificate included.
Warranty: 6 Month Onsite Warranty
Leadtime: Up to 20 business days.
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TECAN Freedom Genesis 200 8 Tip Liquid Handling Workstation. Certified Refurbished. Warranty.
Tecan Freedom Genesis 200 8 Tip Liquid Handling Workstation. Certified Refurbished.
Disposable Tip Unit (Fixed Tip unit also available)
Single Liha Arm
1ml Syringes (Other syringe sizes available)
Includes: FREE Shipping and Delivery (Domestic US), Installation, Set-up, PC, Flatscreen, Keyboard, Mouse, UPS, and Gemini Software.
QA/QC Testing Documentation. Remfg. Certificate included.
Warranty: 3 Month Warranty
Leadtime: Up to 20 business days.
Customizable & Additional Upgrades Available: PosID, Roma, Pick and Place Arm, Fast Wash, etc.
Please contact us for more information!
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